Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Newton

One thing I was say in defense of those bulk bins: one very large single-use plastic bag to fill a whole milk bin still uses *less* plastic than a dozen individual single-use plastic bags. While eliminating all plaetic would be best, reduction is still good. I always remind myself and others: The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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I definitely agree perfect is the enemy of good! Progress, not perfection :)

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Apologies for my typos!

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Great tips and plans to implement. We switched to a big hard-plastic drinking water dispenser years ago. Check your local water stores for deals, as many do reward repeat business. On the boat we flter tap water with an RV filter that lasts over 6 months. We carry water in stainless steel bottles for hikes, etc.

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We love our stainless steel water bottles! We take the girls’ into restaurants too so waiters don’t hand them plastic cups!

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